Nudity or sexual content

We have a zero tolerance policy for any form of nude or sexual content.

Harmful or dangerous content

You are not permitted to post any harmful, dangerous or otherwise inappropriate content in this community.

Hateful content

All and any form of hate speech, hateful or spiteful content is stictly prohibited.

Violent or graphic content

You are not allowed to post any violent or graphic content in this community

Harassment and cyberbullying

We do not allow posting of any harrassing content or carrying out any form of cyber bullying in this community.

Spam, misleading metadata, and scams

Every form of spam, midleading/ luring content or suspicious scam activity will not be condoned.


Acts such as predatory behavior, stalking, threats, harassment, intimidation, invading privacy, revealing other people's personal information, and inciting others to commit violent acts are all strictly prohibited.


All content posted on this community remains the intellectual property of the individuals who posted such. It is also important that you only post content that wholly belongs to you.


Respect for other Creator's privacy is highly important. You are also not allowed to post content that belongs to someone else without their informed consent.


Any suspected impersonator will be immediately blocked from this community and have his/account disabled.

Child safety

Any content encouraging or displaying child endangerment will be blocked and the owner of such account will be reported to the necessary law enforcement agency.

Further Information

For further information on Tristetix terms of use, visit

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